Belief to Heal


Mastering the Mindset to Heal

Can belief heal you? Can your mind reverse disease? If you seek hope on your healing journey, there is no denying: Powerful beliefs shape our lives.

Take your next step. Be what your heart calls you to be.

Belief to Heal: Mastering the Mindset to Heal explores mind-expanding perspectives and possibilities, fostering development of your belief to heal yourself. Part-memoir, part-guidebook, inspirational and thought-provoking, this unique book answers your existing questions and awakens your deepest, most meaningful internal inquiries.

Debut author Matt Rowe details his compelling story of reversing symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), daily mini-strokes, and a paralyzed leg. Matt believes his techniques will help anyone diagnosed with chronic illness live a life filled with love, joy, and acceptance. Combining exercises, anecdotes, and research, Belief to Heal teaches you to embrace your true Self. 

Act on your mental power. Transform your relationship to disease. Challenge yourself to rise above your diagnosis, not be defined or victimized by it. Examine your beliefs and activate them to improve your life. 

Matthew Rowe, BA, is an All-American Triathlete, Certified Health Coach, Reiki master, TEDx speaker, and father of two. He founded Identity of Health wellness coaching and hosts the Identity of Health podcast. Matt lives in Colorado and travels nationally to speak on belief, healing, and possibility.